Sinead O'Connor Catholic Church Abuse

Doing the Right Thing Can Be Hard – But You Should Do It, Anyway

Twenty one years ago, in a time long before it was common knowledge, a now-devoutly religious musician discovered that the Catholic Church had become what essentially amounted to the largest and best funded pedophile ring on the planet, shielded by the good-natured willingness of communities to give the benefit of the doubt to those they saw as authority figures and a hierarchy filled with men who were more concerned about protecting reputation than saving children. Rapists were shifted from town to town, city to city, with no mention of their undisclosed molestation to parents who allowed their innocent sons and daughters to be around these monsters.

Two Loaves of Rosemary Garlic Lavender from Recipe with Olive Oil

Rosemary, Garlic, and Lavender No-Knead Bread Recipe

After working through several types of bread recipes,  I am going to share with you one of the more popular, easier dinner breads we’ve made.  It comes from an adaptation of a famous no-knead recipe published in The New York Times.  In our tests, it performed very well and requires almost no effort, a handful of ingredients, and can serve as a very easy introduction if you’ve never baked a loaf of bread in your life.  It should not be intimidating for you, even if you haven’t turned on an oven in years.