Kennon-Green & Co. Global Asset Management, Wealth Management, and Investment Advisory

Understanding Poverty by Ruby Payne

Being an Effective Educator and Communicator Requires an Understanding of the “Rules” of Your Students’ Social and Economic Class According to Ruby Payne’s Book A Framework for Understanding Poverty

My lunch with friends yesterday turned into a 3 to 4 hour event as we hung out at a local independent pizza parlor and discussed kids, love, True Blood, taxes, and a host of other things.  The topic of poverty came up (as is inevitably bound to happen when the group includes a social worker,…

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Intrinsic Value Book Featured

When It Comes to Books, I Don’t Care How Much Money I Spend or Waste Ruining Them

I’m a big reader.  Huge.  My library consists of thousands of titles, mostly all of which are non-fiction (biographies, finance, business, economics, psychology, history, ethics, etc.)  If I were to reproduce it, the cost would be somewhere between $12,000 and $30,000 depending on  how difficult it was to get your hands on many of the…

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Reading and Taking Notes on Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand Sort of Took Over My Life Today …

Given the historical importance of the book, and my decision to finally read it, my brief introduction to a few pages of Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand turned into an all day affair. I have some very significant reservations about the author’s stated philosophical belief system, Objectivism, but that deserves its own future essay. Suffice it to say, though she gets 70% of the equation correct by supporting free market decision making and individual liberty, I think her model of human behavior is incomplete and therefore not entirely rational and realistic when carried to its logical extreme.

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Factor In Your Income Sources When Seeking Diversification - Nest Egg

Factor In Your Income Sources When Seeking Diversification

When it comes to diversification, you have to look at your entire life and not just your portfolio.  Several years ago there was a book I really enjoyed that dealt with this topic called Are You a Stock or a Bond?: Create Your Own Pension Plan for a Secure Financial Future. It provided a valuable framework for understanding how the stability of income in your life should inform your approach to asset allocation.

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Kennon-Green & Co. Global Asset Management, Wealth Management, and Investment Advisory