Kennon-Green & Co. Global Asset Management, Wealth Management, and Investment Advisory

The Great Boston Molasses Flood of 1919

Lessons from The Great Boston Molasses Flood of 1919

It is January 15th, 1919.  You’re in Boston, Massachusetts shortly before lunchtime.  Sitting at 529 Commercial Street is a three-year old tanker owned by the Purity Distilling Company, a subsidiary of United States Industrial Alcohol.  At 50 feet high, housed within the steel body of this five-story behemoth is 26,000,000 pounds of sticky, sweet molasses; one of the most popular sweeteners…

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Che Guevara

Unless You Are a Proud Bigot and Anti-Intellectualist, You Probably Shouldn’t Be Walking Around with Che Guevara On Your T-Shirt

I believe in wild, autonomous levels of individual freedom.  Provided you aren’t harming anyone, neither your neighbors nor the government have the moral authority to prevent you from seeking your own happiness.  It is immoral for parents to force their children into marriages, as still goes on in parts of the world.  It is immoral…

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World Population Facts

Thoughts About the United States Population and the Population of the World

I love population statistics and studying them. I would have been content (provided I was financially independent) being a sociologist. Back in September, I shared with you a few surprising facts about the population of the United States. Today, though, I was thinking about population and its implications for our understanding of history and economics.…

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Kennon-Green & Co. Global Asset Management, Wealth Management, and Investment Advisory