Kennon-Green & Co. Global Asset Management, Wealth Management, Investment Advisory, and Value Investing

Mount Olympus Awards Letterman Jackets and Varsity Letters Featured on Saturday Night Live

Earlier this year, I was watching Gossip Girl and suddenly the characters on screen were wearing varsity jackets.  I immediately called the office and demanded to know why we hadn’t been the one that made the products.  The response?  “We were.”   There have been a few other moments like that in the past couple of months…


Occupy Wall Street Part II: What Is Money? Do Liberal Arts Suffer at the Hands of a Capitalist System?

Yesterday, I explained how most of the people in the Occupy Wall Street protest haven’t yet realized the struggle isn’t between the rich and the poor – it is between the knowledge workers and manual workers, which Peter Drucker predicted in startling detail decades ago.   Charles Hughes, a professor at Henderson State University, had…
