Gold Nuggets

Kennon-Green & Co. Fiduciary Financial Advisor, Wealth Management, Global Value Investing

We made it to the Natural History Museum in New York City and attended several of the high profile limited time exhibits following our breakfast at Cafe Lalo.  In all the years I lived around the area, I never made it to this museum (the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Lincoln Center got a disproportionate amount of my attention).  We were all exhausted by the time it was over but a great experience.

Museum of Natural History NYC Building Front

The front of the Museum of Natural History in New York City

Natural History Museum Fountain

I liked the fountain outside the Natural History Museum.

T-Rex Bones

The T-Rex bones were some of the first on display at the Natural History Museum.

Giant Turtle

Even if it moved slowly, a turtle that large ... still scary. Unless you could harness it and ride it. But I doubt you'd survive long trying to escape on the back of something that moves a few miles per hour and hides in its shell when danger approaches.

Scary Dinosaur

This monster existed underwater. The Earth was not a very friendly time a couple of hundred million years ago.

Giant Blue Whale

The largest animal to have ever lived, the blue whale, is still on Earth today.

Paper Butterflies Butterfly Museum

We saw a butterfly exhibit that was much like the one we visited in Ames, Iowa several years ago. These two were among my favorites.

Butterfly Museum Feeding

There is a cool butterfly hidden in this picture ... look closely.

Gold Nuggets

The gold nuggets in the mineral wing were beautiful!