It is now Tuesday. We flew home yesterday and let me say the John Wayne Airport in Orange County is beautiful and well-run. The plane flew out over the Pacific Ocean and then banked back, parallel to the coast line, so we got the most amazing view.

The John Wayne Airport in Orange County is nice. It’s definitely my favorite airport ever in terms of ease of entry and cleanliness.
And I’m not sure what happened while we were away but suddenly the rose bushes are going crazy and pumping out flowers and new growth. Some of them nearly doubled in height in four days. I didn’t even know that was possible but there are these massive growths coming out of them that are now taller than the plant was when we left. This is good because I am putting together and album and notes about all of the landscaping at Disneyland.
[mainbodyad]For me, this trip could have been called “Botanical Gardens Tour 2013 – Orange County Edition” because I spent a lot time admiring the planning, growing, organizing, color matching, and training of Disney’s trees, shrubs, flowers, and hedges. I even inspected the way Disney grew its climbing roses in front of the park – oh and one of the hotels had this amazing flower system that had been grafted onto the root system of another plant or tree so it could be hoisted up in the air! We’re talking really complex and wonderful growing systems that I will master and use to bend my own plants to my will.
Maybe I’ll put together a link to the gallery so those of you who are interested in this sort of thing can also classify and study what I found over the weekend.

I’m not sure what happened but the flowers had a very good weekend … the yellow roses are dying off their bloom cycle so I need to cut the hips and promote new growth, again, as they are a bit more temperamental than everything else.

The pink rose bushes are growing like they are on steroids. I guess taking the time to water, fertilize, and care for them really does make a huge difference.
I have a lot I need to complete this week so it’s back to the diamond mines.