A Mental Exercise What I’d Do If I Lost Everything

A Mental Exercise: What I’d Do If I Lost Everything

I started thinking about people who lose everything, or what Charlie Munger calls returning “to Go”, as in the Monopoly board. Once you are rich, your primary motivation shouldn’t be to get richer, it should be to avoid wipeout risk, or returning to go.  But as a training exercise, I decided to contemplate what I would do if I woke up tomorrow and the last ten years had been a dream.  What would my first course of action be to rebuild until I got my financial affairs in order?

President Obama State of the Union

The True Source of the Unemployment Problem: In the Next 10 Years, 50% of Jobs Will Require Training Beyond High School Yet 25% of Students Aren’t Even Graduating from High School

The single most important line in the President’s State of the Union speech to Congress last night hasn’t gotten a lot of attention.  Here it is: Over the next ten years, nearly half of all new jobs will require education that goes beyond a high school degree. And yet, as many as a quarter of…


How Would You Like to Be Remembered?

In an interview called “JK Rowling: A Year in Her Life”, that covered the period during the last year when she finished the final Harry Potter book, the interviewer asked Rowling, “How would you like to be remembered?”.  Her response was poignant. As someone who did the best she could with the talent she had.…