Kennon-Green & Co. Global Asset Management, Wealth Management, and Investment Advisory

Economic Growth in Post Pandemic World

Thinking About Investing and the Economy Post-Pandemic

Keeping an eye on numerous individual companies, as well as a broad array of economic data, I am far more optimistic about the next ten years than I was this time last month. Yes, there will still be challenges, but it looks like much of the worst-case scenario has been averted. Now, it’s about navigating the problems we will encounter due to the specific policy decisions made in the midst of the pandemic.

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Reading Middlemarch by George Eliot During Plane Flight

A Round-Trip Flight from California to Kentucky and Reading Middlemarch, a Study of Provincial Life by George Eliot

The masterpiece Middlemarch, a Study of Provincial Life is considered by many literary critics and academics to be the greatest novel written in the history of the English language.  A work of historical fiction, the story is set during the years 1829-1832 and follows the lives of the inhabitants of a fictional town, Middlemarch, as threads, both visible and invisible, weave the fate of their their homes, marriages, businesses, fortunes, happiness, and misery together.

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Tiny Inflation Calculation Methodology Changes Are Going to Result in Billions of Dollars in Wealth Transfers

Tiny Inflation Calculation Methodology Changes Are Going to Result in Billions of Dollars in Wealth Transfers

Politicians, central bankers, and academics around the world are engaging in a conversation that could have massive real-world consequences for both middle class families and retirees; conversations that could result in substantially higher taxes, and/or substantially reduced benefits for entitlement programs such as Social Security, depending upon how the matter is resolved.  The average American is not paying attention to this at all.  It matters.  This is a technical debate that will transfer huge amounts of wealth from various stakeholders depending upon who prevails.

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Interest Rates and Asset Prices

You Cannot Understand the Rise of Wealth Inequality Without Acknowledging the Role of Interest Rates

In August of 2014, I wrote a post called Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics.  I penned it because, at the time, I was seeing a lot of situations in the media in which data was being used to push a political agenda on either the far right or the far left. I’m now seeing this same sort of deception in discussions about wealth inequality.

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United States Treasury

The Federal Government Collects More Absolute Tax Revenue Than During Any Other Period in American History

In recent years, the United States Federal Government has found itself in the fortunate position of collecting more inflation-adjusted, real purchasing power tax revenue than it has during any other period of its 242 year history.  For the government’s 2019 fiscal year, tax receipts at the Federal level are expected to balloon to an almost unfathomable $3.422 trillion.

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Subjunctive Mood Verb

The Power of the Subjunctive Mood to Reveal Socioeconomic Status

As the top 20% and bottom 80% further divide, one of the things I’ve found interesting over the past few years is the difference in how both groups use something called the subjunctive mood in their speech and writing. The top 20% nearly always uses it correctly. I suspect it’s become a sort of subconscious signaling code without the people doing it even realizing what is happening.

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Kennon-Green & Co. Global Asset Management, Wealth Management, and Investment Advisory