Kennon-Green & Co. Global Asset Management, Wealth Management, and Investment Advisory

Net Worth and Income By Education Level

Household Income, Net Worth, and Unemployment Rates By Education Level

The most recent statistics on household income, net worth, and unemployment, sorted by education level, are really interesting.  Following our discussion about the splits that have emerged along geographic fault lines in the electoral body, I thought it would be important to highlight the economic differences and how enormous the income inequality is for the…

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Education and Affluence

New Study Finds The Ability to Delay Gratification Correlates with the Reliability of Adults in a Child’s Life

Whether or not a person is capable of waiting for rewards, and thus succeeding in things that require long-term planning such as investing, money management, completing higher education, and sticking with difficult projects for the promise of richer payouts, may not be due to willpower alone.  In a new study, researchers Celeste Kidd, Holly Palmeri,…

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Synthetic Gemstones

Synthetic Gemstones vs. Natural Gemstones

I’ve spent a big part of today doing investment research on synthetic gemstones vs natural gemstones.  Following the recent reading foray into the world of jewelry retailing, distributing, and mining, I kept coming across a company called Chatham.  They had reportedly perfected the art of manufacturing gemstones such as rubies and sapphires inside of a…

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People Who Work For Themselves Can Make More Money

A Look at Household Net Worth and Household Income By Age Group from the 2010 Survey of Consumer Finances

Interesting fact: Do you want a financial “A” in life?  To achieve it, and rank in the top 5% of households (making you richer than 95 out of 100 families), you and your spouse need a combined pre-tax income of $205,300 and a net worth of $1,864,100. [mainbodyad]That is according to the triennial Survey of Consumer Finance, which was…

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Kennon-Green & Co. Global Asset Management, Wealth Management, and Investment Advisory