Over the Next Six Months, I’ll Be Sharing Some of the Journey You’ve Missed
One of the things I’ve most disliked over the past three years since starting our asset management firm is that I’ve had little to no time to show you what is going on in our lives. Entire trips, events, special occasions, holiday celebrations, birthday parties, concerts … things that would have been documented have fallen by the wayside because the time it would take to prepare the photos, write the post, and publish the results required precious daylight (or sleep) I couldn’t spare as we were in the midst of spinning up a highly regulated entity. To us, personally, this meant the momentary absence of a valuable journal of our own life; a chronicling of our experiences that helped keep our timeline in order.
The good news: we purposely saved nearly all of our notes and photographs, figuring we would someday get around to updating this whirlwind period.
With our household and business increasingly settled on the West Coast, the firm growing nicely despite us keeping a low profile and not even launching our website, yet, our gestational surrogacy journey humming along beautifully, and finally feeling like we are putting down roots following our relocation, I’ve made the decision that over the next 180 days, I’m going to enlist help, if and as necessary, from various corners so that during my free time, I can reconstruct some of this missing period, giving you a glimpse into what has been happening. That means instead of watching a movie or playing a video game during nights or weekends, I may turn some or most of that attention to the site. This corresponds with me catching up on some projects at Kennon-Green & Co. that I had put on hold during the move, too.
For my own organizational purposes, and to maintain chronological accuracy, I am going to put a disclaimer on the post explaining when it was written but set the publication date to the days the events occurred, the photographs were taken, etc. – this is, after all, my personal blog and as much a journal as anything else – then I will make the post temporarily “sticky” to the top of the blog so you have a chance to see it. I will also update a list of those posts here, as a sort of reference guide for when they are no longer kept on the front page.
When that is done, I plan on returning to the other project that involved re-opening selected portions of the site’s archives that had been made private.