When a company distributes cash, stock, or property to its shareholders, the payment is called a dividend. There are several different types of dividends and entire investment strategies have been built around dividend investing. Properly structured, a portfolio of dividend stocks could allow you to live off your money without ever having to work. This collection of dividend articles and guides will explain basic concepts such as dividend yield, dividend taxes, and much more. It’s a great place to start if you are ready to enter the world of income investing.
A family member of mine has a daughter who is selling Girl Scout cookies. To help, I decided to buy half-a-dozen boxes of cookies. That led me down a research path to figure out who, exactly was making money from baking those treats.
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Four Companies Control 94.8% Market Share of the Domestic Cigarette Industry in the United States On this blog, in my articles, and even in my books, I have often used the example of how capital allocation determines the wealth one ultimately has. Many times, I used the illustration of a married couple, both of whom…
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When I was a senior in high school, I bought my youngest sister a single share of Coca-Cola common stock for her 6th birthday. It’s been a teaching mechanism throughout her life; one that is far more important and beneficial from an academic and educational standpoint than any investment return it could generate.
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How My Grandpa Dennis Could Have Turned His Pepsi Habit Into a 7-Figure Estate I’ve written in the past about how nearly every American alive today has been confronted with perhaps a dozen different companies that they knew first hand because they enjoyed using the firm’s products for years (in some cases, their whole life)…
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