Kansas City Power and Light Bond for Bond Duration

Bond Duration and Your Bond Portfolio

Bond duration is one of the biggest and most important things to understand when managing a portfolio that includes bonds or other fixed income assets.  Managed well, bond duration can give the chance for huge capital gains profits.  Managed poorly, bond duration can wipe out a supposedly conservative bond portfolio in no time, leaving nothing…

Reading and Taking Notes on Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand Sort of Took Over My Life Today …

Given the historical importance of the book, and my decision to finally read it, my brief introduction to a few pages of Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand turned into an all day affair. I have some very significant reservations about the author’s stated philosophical belief system, Objectivism, but that deserves its own future essay. Suffice it to say, though she gets 70% of the equation correct by supporting free market decision making and individual liberty, I think her model of human behavior is incomplete and therefore not entirely rational and realistic when carried to its logical extreme.

The Tuskegee Experiment

The Tuskegee Experiment

An Example of Why a Free Press Is Vital to the Lifeblood of a Free Nation Imagine you go to the doctor.  He discovers that you have a deadly disease that will cause you great physical harm if left untreated and, ultimately, an early death.  Your brain will begin to degenerate and, eventually, your heart…