Kennon-Green & Co. Global Asset Management, Wealth Management, and Investment Advisory

Loren and Saren Amazon Princess

Loren the Amazon Princess, Pot Roast, and Snow Days

With the holidays concluded, too many Thanksgiving, Christmas, and reunion dinners to count, endless nights with family and friends, and the bulk of the busy season behind us in the businesses, we spent today in our pajamas as the snow fell outside, cooking a pot roast and working on some projects we wanted to finish.  (Technically, we still have one Christmas celebration left, which was postponed until later this week.)

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Super Mario 3D World Large

A Handful of Rare Businesses Enjoy Annuity Streams That Can Generate Cash for Decades

For the past hour, my mind has been on the power of some businesses to capture annuity streams that pay dividends for years, even decades or generations, with very little additional work.  When you can get one of these in your portfolio, they pump out wealth as long as you update them every once in a while.  They are the closest thing to geese laying golden eggs that exist outside of fairy tales.

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Ku Hye-sun

Six Months. I Made It Six Months But I Fell Off the Korean Bandwagon … I’m 15 Hours Into 꽃보다 남자;

I’ve never smoked.  I hate the taste of alcohol.  I’ve never done drugs.  I did well in school and became successful at an early age.  I save way more than I spend, growing my family’s investments every year.  I’m far more productive than the typical person in my country.  Specifically, the average American spends a staggering…

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Finished Pot Roast with Vegetables

Pot Roast and the Zombie Apocalypse

Yesterday, I mentioned that we should make some sort of stew or pot roast so the house was filled with the warm, inviting scent of roasting meat and vegetables for most of the day.  I didn’t think anything of it, and figured it would happen later in the week, but upon waking this morning, I heard grocery bags being unloaded and discovered the process had already begun to try a new pot roast recipe that included carrots, celery, potatoes, parsnips, beef broth, chicken broth, a finish of red wine, herbs, and a few other ingredients.  As I’ve sat here going through some work I need to finish, the fragrance keeps getting stronger; it feels like a home should.

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Cool Words

Yeah, Right

Many decades ago, Oxford Philosophy of Language Professor J.L. Austin and Columbia philosopher Sidney Morgenbesser reportedly had this exchange: “In English,” Professor Austin said, “a double negative forms a positive. However, in some languages, such as Russian, a double negative remains a negative. But there isn’t a single language, not one, in which a double positive can…

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Kennon-Green & Co. Global Asset Management, Wealth Management, and Investment Advisory