Kennon-Green & Co. Global Asset Management, Wealth Management, and Investment Advisory

Tom Brier Ragtime

If You Were Born in the 1980’s, You Probably Love Ragtime Music Because of Video Games and Don’t Know It

There seems to be a misconception that ragtime music died along with the western saloons and brothels in which it reached its fruition.  That isn’t true.  If you grew up playing Nintendo, you may not even realize that you are a huge ragtime fan.  You know dozens of ragtime hits and hearing them will probably…

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Sam Merlotte from True Blood

What Sam Merlotte of True Blood Can Teach You About Investing

With the season premier of True Blood upon us, I began thinking about how lessons on life, money, and success are all around us if you just pay close enough attention.  If you understand how compounding works, it is so easy to get rich if you have enough time. Consider Sam Merlotte, the Bon Temps bartender and resident landlord.  His character is around 30 years old, give or take several years, when the show began.

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Video Games May Seem More Expensive But They Aren’t – It’s All In Your Head

I have been hearing a lot of grumbling lately from friends and fellow gamers about the cost of video games.  The economist in me cringes when an otherwise rational person jumps into a diatribe on the state of video game pricing and the various console wars because it reminds me of those people who insist that gas is at an all-time high, even when the inflation-adjusted cost of traveling one mile is less than it was in the 1950s.  Listening to it makes me realize how thoroughly our education system has failed at producing rational, informed citizens capable of competing in the information age where knowledge is power.  

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Azrah Gestahl Joshua Kennon's Pure Skyrim Mage in Lord Ganon Enchanted Armor and Weapons

My Pure Mage Strategy Worked: Level 100 Conjuration, Level 100 Destruction, and Level 100 Enchantment

I have done it!  My champion in Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, Azrah Gestahl, has reached Level 100 Conjuration, Level 100 Destruction, and Level 100 Enchantment.  My overall Level is 47, so I’m about to hit the soft cap of 51 that the gaming forums say is in place. I’m in the process of creating a set of ultimate weapons and armor, upgrading my old “Ganon’s” series to a new, “Lord Ganon’s” series en homage to the legendary villain of The Legend of Zelda series.  This allowed me to create a situation that got the mathematical cost of all destruction spells, regardless of their power, to zero.  Infinite power.  Unlimited magic.

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Castlevania Lords of Shadow Castle

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Illustrates Why Nintendo Is In Trouble

With all of the Elder Scrolls: Skyrim activity going on in every corner of my life, I began thinking about the various video game platforms and the video game industry as a whole.  Going back to this summer when we were playing Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, which I bought on a whim, caused me to realize something: No one in my household, or in the households of my extended family, takes the Nintendo Wii seriously.

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Skyrim Pure Mage Strategy

My Pure Mage Strategy for Elder Scrolls Skyrim Is Based on the Late 1980’s Ganon Character from The Legend of Zelda

I ultimately decided upon a pure mage strategy my Elder Scrolls Skyrim character, Azrah Gestahl, based upon the early manifestations of Ganon in The Legend of Zelda series from the 1980’s.  Although my character is mostly good, serving as the Arch-Mage of the College of Winterhold, a member of the Imperial Army, and possessing a healthy penchant for destroying bandit hideouts, the general composition of skills leans heavily toward a very powerful mage in a robe capable of extreme conjuration and destruction, with very strong illusion, alteration, and regeneration knowledge.  I’m not talking about modern day Ganon, mind you.  I’m talking about Ganon as he was back then – magic artifacts, conjuring minions, blasting fireballs, all draped in a cowl as he sought world domination.

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Kennon-Green & Co. Global Asset Management, Wealth Management, and Investment Advisory