Chicken Tikka Masala Part II

Kennon-Green & Co. Fiduciary Financial Advisor, Wealth Management, Global Value Investing

Earlier this week, my grandma came down for chicken tikka masala.  Tonight, it was take two, only this time, the chile seeds were partially retained in the sauce to increase the spiciness to the point it burned, but was enjoyable.  It was delicious.  This is definitely a permanent recipe we’ll be making several times a year.  The only downside?  It’s almost impossible to photograph!  This is the most popular Indian dish in the world, ordered and prepared at more restaurants than any other, yet it just looks horrible in photographs most of the time.  The flavor more than makes up for it.

Chicken Tikka Masala Part II

Chicken Tikka Masala Part II

For dessert, we had strawberries sprinkled with sugar and covered in freshly made whipped cream.  It was a wonderful contrast and complement to the spiciness of the chicken tikka masala.

Strawberries with Fresh Cream and Sugar for Dessert

Strawberries with Fresh Cream and Sugar for Dessert

If you’ve never tried it, start playing around with recipes.  It’s a wonderful dish.
