My Day In Pictures – Sunday, February 6th, 2011
This upcoming week is going to be busy. I have to finalize the accounting approval for last year before sending off all of the records to the firm that prepares our taxes, I have to drop off the finalized terms contract for the attorneys that are helping me explore launching my own financial vehicle, I have to write two or three new pieces of content, I need to continue studying CSS because I love it, and I have to work on a lot of other stuff that you probably don’t really want to hear about – I’d like to get through the technology sector annual reports, finalize the list of stocks I plan to buy through my pension plan once the upcoming contribution is finalized, etc.
I decided to spend the day at home, reading and just resting. I watched an episode of “Spartacus Blood & Sand”, and then took a few hours at night to practice my CSS coding.
I talked to my grandma, who got an iMac for her house yesterday, and she had stayed up past midnight and then spent all day Sunday playing virtual penny slot games that she bought in the Mac App Store for less than $30. Then, at some point, I realized it was Super Bowl Sunday but decided that I didn’t really care and started playing Eternal Sonata on XBox 360, which looks promising so far.

I decided to make corn muffins since they are one of my favorite foods and I haven’t had them in months …

I turned on the mixer and started to make a pot of fresh, hot black coffee to enjoy with the corn muffins …

I remember lining muffin pans with my mom when I was a kid. I was thinking about that as I poured the corn muffin batter into the muffin pan.

As they came out of the oven, I put the fresh cornbread muffins on a plate, poured a cup of the freshly brewed coffee, and went back to work at my dining room tables on the reading that I was trying to finish before the weekend escaped me.
For dinner that night, I had a Tortellini Rustico with Sun-Dried Tomatoes that featured artichoke hearts, basil pesto, sun-dried tomatoes, and other goodness. I really liked it.