Kennon-Green & Co. Global Asset Management, Wealth Management, and Investment Advisory

Kindle Paperwhite and Kindle Fire Next to Security Analysis on Bookshelf Joshua Kennon

The Decluttering and Minimalism Project Is Now Turning Toward My Personal Library

I am committed to this minimalism and de-cluttering project.  Since beginning this change, it has been wonderfully freeing.  If something hasn’t been used in the past twelve months, it is donated or discarded.  Everything has a place and the systems at home were changed so that the basic act of living, going through the day, takes care of keeping everything maintained without any extra work. Now that this phase of the pantry is done, I am turning my attention to the library.  

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America Forgot Many Valuable Lessons When It Moved from the Farms to the Cities

A few hours ago, I finished writing a piece about global investing through a Roth IRA, which was published to the network.  It got into some of the complexities of foreign investing, including the differences between share classes domiciled in various markets and currency translations.  As I was thinking about whether there was anything…

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Kennon-Green & Co. Global Asset Management, Wealth Management, and Investment Advisory