La Marche des Scythes
I’m working from my home study trying to get a bunch of stuff knocked off my agenda now that we are starting the 3rd quarter of the year but I have a certain passage from La Marche des Scythes in my head. I’ve been playing it on repeat at full blast as I go through my responsibilities. If you’ve never heard it, here is Yago Mahugo playing the particular section (just press play, the video will start in the right place at 4 minutes and 40 seconds).
Perhaps it is evident I’m cleaning up the task list given the number of posts that have gone live today. I’m trying to whittle down the now 879 drafts sitting in the pending box, some of which just need a few edits. Over 4-5 years, quite a lot has built up that could be turned into something. I have essays on everything from appropriate and inappropriate ways to respond to structural inequality to cost accounting methods for security holdings in an investment portfolio, no doubt set off by whatever I was thinking about at the time but which I’ve since forgotten.