Credit Card Debt Is Poison

Credit Card Debt Is Poison

Over the past few years, I have become more and more convinced that the single biggest challenge most people face when it comes to achieving financial independence is the interest expense they pay on credit card debt, student loan debt, home mortgages, consumer debt, and other liabilities. [mainbodyad]Think about it like this. If all you…

https:Power Couples and Marriage Income Inequality//

Income Inequality Is Caused By Single Parent Households and Assortative Mating Habits Just as Much as Technology

There is considerable academic evidence that one of the major drivers of income inequality in the United States is the difference in family formation, and assortative mating habits, between the upper and lower classes. Stated plainly, the upper class is more likely to get married, stay married, and have children within that marriage, while the lower class is more likely to have children out of wedlock or divorce. The results to net worth and income can be enormous over a lifetime.