Kennon-Green & Co. Global Asset Management, Wealth Management, and Investment Advisory

Joshua Kennon Blog Cache Upgrades

We’re Turning Back On One of the Caching Systems Today So The Blog Should Start Loading Much Faster

Now that we’re back from Chicago, I’m going to try to spend a few hours each day working on the blog upgrades we’re rolling out as part of Google’s new focus on mobile-friendly sites.  With somewhere around 40% of the changes done on the backend, we’re reactivating the first of the cache tools today, combining it with the Cloudflare network to see if there are any conflicts.  

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CSS Redesign Code

The Site Will Be Migrating to a New Theme and Undergoing Tests for a Couple of Weeks – Please Don’t Mind the Mess

Google has written me, once again, saying that because I refuse to offer a responsive, mobile-friendly theme for the blog, they are dropping from the search results shown to people using devices such as phones and tablets.  Given that I hate mobile versions of sites, this puts me in the uncomfortable position of having to find something that satisfies their technical requirements while deviating very little from the desktop experience to the point that I wouldn’t call it a meaningful change.

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Free Pancakes at IHOP Day

You Can Get Free Pancakes If You Go to IHOP Today!

March 3rd, 2015, is the 10th anniversary of National Pancake Day.  If you head to an IHOP, you can get free pancakes.  They ask, but you are not required, to make a donation to charity in lieu of paying for your meal, with the goal being to raise $3,500,000 this year for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.
You might want to consider bringing your own maple syrup, though.  As you know, one of the few things in life that irritates me to no end is the (what I consider) stupidity of the pancake industry, which has now, in 2015, nearly completely replaced every single store brand maple syrup with “pancake” syrup instead, which is really dyed corn syrup.

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Blog Demographics 2014 Edition: You Are Richer, Better Educated, and Have More Kids

Like the residents of Lake Wobegon, another year of better data analytics and audience growth has cemented what we’ve already known: As a group, you’re way above average.  You are considerably richer and better educated the average person in the United States, more likely to identify as politically independent, more likely to have children, and skew…

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Demographic Analysis 1st Edition Joshua Kennon Blog Community

An Inside Look at the Site’s Demographics: A Breakdown of the Readers

As promised several months ago, we implemented demographic tracking on the site to the list of other abilities we have and are now collecting data.  Using one popular source, which will improve over time as a bigger sample is developed, the trend that is showing up everywhere is evident.  It should only get better as more data points are put into the pool, so I’m excited to see who, exactly, is reading.

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Kennon-Green & Co. Global Asset Management, Wealth Management, and Investment Advisory