How to Manage Your Cash

How to Manage Your Cash Using The Central Collection & Disbursement Account Method

When I was first starting out, I found the world was full of general philosophy articles, essays, and commentary about finance, investing, saving money, and starting a business.  Very few people offered nuts-and-bolts here-is-how-we-are-structured explanations, though, which is what I valued more than anything else.  As I began to approve my monthly banking transactions this afternoon, I thought it might be useful for some of you to see how I setup our cash management system in the early days.  The basic structure stays with us, even though it is necessarily more complex.

East Coast United States from Space at Night

East Coast at Night from Space

NASA has released a new image of the East Coast from space at night.  It was taken on February 6th, 2012 and the official description is: Eastern Seaboard at Night An Expedition 30 crew member aboard the International Space Station took this nighttime photograph of much of the Atlantic coast of the United States. Large…