1 ounce American gold eagle bullion coins on wooden background

This Is the Kind of Business Behavior That Disgusts Me

How can people do this and live with themselves?  This is the sort of thing that if I were running a company, I don’t care if we made millions of dollars a year in profit doing it, I’d shut it down.  I believe it is immoral.  Sure, it breaks no laws that I know of but it strikes me as ethically wrong.  It is the reason we need stronger consumer protection laws in the United States.  I believe it preys on the ignorant; the people who don’t know any better and who are trying to secure their future.


I Forgot How Much I Loathe Don Draper in Mad Men

While I’ve been working the past week or so, I’ve wanted some background noise so I loaded Netflix and began watching the 5th season of Mad Men, which I hadn’t started, yet.  I forgot how much I truly hate Don Draper.  I feel … contempt.  I loathe – that’s a rare sentiment for me but accurate, loathe – everything about him; how he treats people, how he betrays, without knowledge or consent, the women to whom he has made a commitment and whom love him, how he refuses to open himself up to others about his past or live in any sort of authentic or honest way with his family.