The Best Advice I Ever Received

The best advice I ever received came when my parents dropped me off at college. As they were getting in the car, my dad looked at me and said, “Your mom and I have done everything we could for you. We fed you, we clothed you and you have a high school education. From now on, it is your responsibility to make your dreams come true. We can’t do it for you, and no one else can either. If you want it, you have to do it on your own.”


Factor In Your Income Sources When Seeking Diversification

When it comes to diversification, you have to look at your entire life and not just your portfolio.  Several years ago there was a book I really enjoyed that dealt with this topic called Are You a Stock or a Bond?: Create Your Own Pension Plan for a Secure Financial Future. It provided a valuable framework for understanding how the stability of income in your life should inform your approach to asset allocation.


How We Used Shares of Coca-Cola to Teach My Youngest Sister About Investing (and Why the Cycle of Consumption and Financial Stress Starts as a Teenager for Most Americans)

When I was a senior in high school, I bought my youngest sister a single share of Coca-Cola common stock for her 6th birthday. It’s been a teaching mechanism throughout her life; one that is far more important and beneficial from an academic and educational standpoint than any investment return it could generate.


How Do You Get Rich? Do What Is On Your Desk and Do It Well

A fantastic passage from page 97 of The Richest Man in Town: The Twelve Commandments of Wealth. It talks about how success in life comes down to execution of the work that is sitting your desk, right now. That means getting it done right, getting it done quickly, and getting it done with pride so that your name becomes synonymous with quality.


Lottery Winners Go Bankrupt Just as Often as Non-Lottery Winners

A lot of times, people convince themselves that if “they just had a little more money” they wouldn’t be in the financial dire straits they are.  Their bills would be paid.  They wouldn’t have financial stress.  The problem is, everyone else with any sense in their life is likely thinking, “Yeah, you’ll be right back in this situation in a few years” but no one wants to say it aloud.


Kennon-Green & Co. Fiduciary Financial Advisor, Wealth Management, Global Value Investing