Should Government Benefits Be Tied to Behavior and Decisions?

I don’t talk about it very often, but one of the charitable organizations close to my heart are community food banks and soup kitchens.  These non-profits collect groceries for those who can’t afford to feed themselves or their children, allowing them to avoid hunger.  They resonate with something very deep in my core, maybe because I…


I Believe USA Today’s Money Section Is the Worst Run Financial Publication in the United States

Hands down, I am strongly convinced the single most incompetent source of regularly published financial advice or business information of any major newspaper in the United States is the money section of USA Today.  The conclusions are often outright wrong, the understanding of accounting and economics vapid, and the headlines written to achieve nothing more than clicks without leaving the reader better informed than he or she was in the beginning.  It is the fiscal equivalent of fluff, only worse because fluff can be fun without leaving an inaccurate impression on something as important as national economic policy.


Nectarine White Chocolate Cream Pie

Now that the white chicken chili is on the stove, it’s time to turn attention to the nectarine white chocolate cream pie on the other side of the kitchen.  There are quite a few seasonal fruits available – nectarines, plums, cherries, and strawberries among my favorites – so I’m hoping to do as much experimentation as possible before autumn arrives and my attention gets turned to apples, cranberries, turkey, maple, and other flavors that tend to be best when the air has a bit of a nip in it.  It almost seems impossible but before we know it, it will be time to put on sweaters and light the fires.


Kennon-Green & Co. Fiduciary Financial Advisor, Wealth Management, Global Value Investing