Mount Olympus Awards Letterman Jackets and Varsity Letters Featured on Saturday Night Live

Earlier this year, I was watching Gossip Girl and suddenly the characters on screen were wearing varsity jackets.  I immediately called the office and demanded to know why we hadn’t been the one that made the products.  The response?  “We were.”   There have been a few other moments like that in the past couple of months…


Occupy Wall Street Part II: What Is Money? Do Liberal Arts Suffer at the Hands of a Capitalist System?

Yesterday, I explained how most of the people in the Occupy Wall Street protest haven’t yet realized the struggle isn’t between the rich and the poor – it is between the knowledge workers and manual workers, which Peter Drucker predicted in startling detail decades ago.   Charles Hughes, a professor at Henderson State University, had…


Is Wells Fargo Undervalued?

I am reading the Wells Fargo & Company annual report again for the fourth time this year, as well as conference call transcripts, analysts reports, and a host of other documentation.  I’ve been looking at making some additional purchases of Wells Fargo & Company for the long-term holdings through some of my personal retirement trusts and plans, including the only one I discuss on the site, the KRIP portfolio, because I’m convinced the “new” bank, which includes the acquisition of Wachovia during the Great Recession and financial meltdown that doubled the size of the “old” bank, is significantly undervalued.

Kennon-Green & Co. Global Asset Management, Wealth Management, Investment Advisory, and Value Investing