Russia Is Sliding Into a Self-Reinforcing Cycle of Cultural Repression That Will Destroy the Nation

Those of you who study history will know that there can now be little doubt that the future of Russia is in serious jeopardy.  Personally, short of an unexpected event or political uprising, I don’t see how they escape from the cycle that has begun, which has been accelerating if you’ve been paying attention to the country over the past twenty four months.  The Russian people have been willingly submitting themselves to slavery, passing laws that restrict freedom of speech, freedom of conscious, freedom of religion, freedom of personal association, and much more.  It’s as if they simply cannot escape a culture of authoritarian rule, always sliding back toward despotism.


Otherkin and Mental Models

A topic I’m studying now from a mental model perspective is that of “Otherkin”.  Don’t know what it is?  You aren’t alone.  It’s a sub-niche movement of people who believe – not pretend, but actually believe – they are partially, or entirely, non-human.  Some think that they have been reincarnated with the soul of an animal, dragon, fairy, plant, alien, cartoon, demon, angel, elf, vampire, etc.  Some believe they actually are partially these things biologically.


Winter White Honey Is Among the Best Tasting Honey Varieties in the World

Winter white honey – remember that phrase and start buying it now because it is among the most delicious and amazing honey varieties in the entire world.  The name winter white honey comes from the color of the honey, which is derived from the wildflowers in the Rocky Mountains of Idaho that the honey bees use to create this nectar.  It’s white and creamy, not yellow or amber.  The flavor is unreal.  None of us have ever had anything like it.  We opened a bottle and soon everyone was laughing and dipping spoons in eating it like candy.


Kennon-Green & Co. Fiduciary Financial Advisor, Wealth Management, Global Value Investing