New York Federal Reserve President William Dudley Teaches About Inflation Using the iPad … And Makes People Angry

There was a firestorm of controversy this morning following remarks by New York Federal Reserve Chairman William Dudley. In an attempt to explain how the Federal Reserve calculates inflation, the Fed President commented to a group of working class people that you can’t just look at the price of food – the price of everything has to be factored in to understand what is happening to the purchasing power of the dollar.


Jesus Christ vs. Captain Kirk: A Study of Mental Models (or “A Modern Example of Binary Beliefs and Cognitive Dissonance In Everyday Western Culture”)

The odds are good you won’t read this entire post.  The reason?  It has to do with confirmation bias.  If you think what I am going to say conflicts with your belief system – whether you are a scientist or a Christian – you won’t finish it to avoid cognitive dissonance even though you aren’t…


Kennon-Green & Co. Fiduciary Financial Advisor, Wealth Management, Global Value Investing