Kennon-Green & Co. Fiduciary Financial Advisor, Wealth Management, Global Value Investing

Jesus Christ vs. Captain Kirk: A Study of Mental Models (or “A Modern Example of Binary Beliefs and Cognitive Dissonance In Everyday Western Culture”)

The odds are good you won’t read this entire post.  The reason?  It has to do with confirmation bias.  If you think what I am going to say conflicts with your belief system – whether you are a scientist or a Christian – you won’t finish it to avoid cognitive dissonance even though you aren’t…


Thoughts About the United States Population and the Population of the World

I love population statistics and studying them. I would have been content (provided I was financially independent) being a sociologist. Back in September, I shared with you a few surprising facts about the population of the United States. Today, though, I was thinking about population and its implications for our understanding of history and economics.…


Surprising But True: America Still Manufactures the Same Percentage of World Goods as It Did More than 21 Years Ago

Tell me what you think of the following statement: “American manufacturing has been destroyed over the past 20 years?  Going back further, it’s nothing like it was in 1960.  Everything is made in China now.” [mainbodyad]If you agreed with the statement, congratulations!  You failed.  Miserably.  Start thinking for yourself and stop watching the news commentators…
