Joshua Kennon is a Managing Director of
Kennon-Green & Co., a private asset management firm specializing in global value investing for affluent and high net worth individuals, families, and institutions. Nothing in this article or on this site, which is Mr. Kennon's personal blog, is intended to be, nor should it be construed as, investment advice, a recommendation, or an offer to buy or sell a security or securities. Investing can result in losses, sometimes significant losses. Prior to taking any action involving your finances or portfolio, you should consult with your own qualified professional advisor(s), such as an investment advisor, tax specialist, and/or attorney, who can help you consider your unique needs, circumstances, risk tolerance, and other relevant factors.
To the fragrance aficionados writing me, yes, I realize I haven’t written a fragrance review or update in six months, since responding to the Mail Bag question asking to look inside my fragrance cabinet. Sorry. I’ve been busy with other things. I’ll try to be better. And thank you for sharing your recommendations and suggestions for new…
Several times each month, a family member, friend, colleague, or reader will ask me about dress shirts for men. Questions range from what to look for in a quality dress shirt to the names of some of the best shirtmakers in the world. For the sake of efficiency, I sat down this weekend and wrote a beginner’s guide to dress shirts for men, which can serve as a reference. This makes it easier for people to find, and save me time because I can point to it whenever a question arises, not having to repeat myself.
I was reading the news when I saw that a drug-addicted fool in Florida burned down one of the world’s oldest trees, a 3,500 year old Cypress named “The Senator”.
When I was first starting out, I found the world was full of general philosophy articles, essays, and commentary about finance, investing, saving money, and starting a business. Very few people offered nuts-and-bolts here-is-how-we-are-structured explanations, though, which is what I valued more than anything else. As I began to approve my monthly banking transactions this afternoon, I thought it might be useful for some of you to see how I setup our cash management system in the early days. The basic structure stays with us, even though it is necessarily more complex.
Unless you have trained yourself to think otherwise, it is a common mistake to assume that everyone sees and experiences the world the same way you do. They don’t. There are significant implications for education, social harmony, and communication when we fail to recognize the basic truism that all external stimuli must be filtered through…
NASA has released a new image of the East Coast from space at night. It was taken on February 6th, 2012 and the official description is: Eastern Seaboard at Night An Expedition 30 crew member aboard the International Space Station took this nighttime photograph of much of the Atlantic coast of the United States. Large…
Mental Model: Economies of Scale If you ever took an economics course, you are familiar with the concept of economies of scale. In its simplest form, economies of scale is a phenomenon whereby the efficiency of a large scale producer allows it to spread out the high cost basis of its capital expenditures over a…
I happened to go into the kitchen for something in the middle of working from home tonight when I had an idea … an icing-based filling consisting of mandarin oranges, cinnamon, and vanilla. I threw open the cabinets and began formulating the base. We were so successful with the lemon zest icing for the honey…
Today’s mail bag focuses on strategy, decision trees, and reverse engineering problems. Dear Mr.Kennon, I’ve been reading your blog for quite some time and i find it very useful in terms of business and finance knowledge. I’m looking to start a business.I’ve read one of your mail bag responses, the one about taking a small…
There is a painting from 1750 by artist Thomas Gainsborough called Mr. and Mrs. Andrews. The original hangs in the National Gallery in London, England, where it has been held in collection for more than 50 years. The painting depicts a man, Mr. Robert Andrews, and his wife, Frances Mary Carter. The two were promised…