Joshua Kennon is a Managing Director of
Kennon-Green & Co., a private asset management firm specializing in global value investing for affluent and high net worth individuals, families, and institutions. Nothing in this article or on this site, which is Mr. Kennon's personal blog, is intended to be, nor should it be construed as, investment advice, a recommendation, or an offer to buy or sell a security or securities. Investing can result in losses, sometimes significant losses. Prior to taking any action involving your finances or portfolio, you should consult with your own qualified professional advisor(s), such as an investment advisor, tax specialist, and/or attorney, who can help you consider your unique needs, circumstances, risk tolerance, and other relevant factors.
Those of you who study history will know that there can now be little doubt that the future of Russia is in serious jeopardy. Personally, short of an unexpected event or political uprising, I don’t see how they escape from the cycle that has begun, which has been accelerating if you’ve been paying attention to the country over the past twenty four months. The Russian people have been willingly submitting themselves to slavery, passing laws that restrict freedom of speech, freedom of conscious, freedom of religion, freedom of personal association, and much more. It’s as if they simply cannot escape a culture of authoritarian rule, always sliding back toward despotism.
This is an interesting question about autism and the future of society. Mr. Kennon, With the rising rates of autism found in the general population, how do you think society will adapt to the cultural changes that will inevitably follow in the future as more people are born with the condition? Do you think the…
The 6 Most Common Biological Sexes in Humans Many of you have expressed an interest in more of my personal essays; the documents I use myself to study various topics and take advantage of the so-called “orangutan theory”, which states that forcing yourself to write down your ideas, or speaking them out loud, even if…
We took my sister-in-law to downtown Kansas City today to meet my brother-in-law on his last day at work. For the past few years, he was involved in the account records department at State Street, the global financial giant with $25 trillion in assets held in custody. I could be wrong, but I believe he…
Imagine you have a craving for ice cream. You and your spouse decide to get in the car and go to the same Dairy Queen you’ve patronized dozens of times in the past, spread out over several years. You run a blog and you’ve taken pictures of it. You’ve had many conversations about what is…
I was a victim of the generation gap tonight. I stepped into something for which I was neither prepared nor do I ever want to witness again. It was, without a doubt, the absolute worst movie I have seen in my entire 30 years on planet Earth. It was so bad, that it wasn’t even good in a cult classic redeeming sort of way.
A topic I’m studying now from a mental model perspective is that of “Otherkin”. Don’t know what it is? You aren’t alone. It’s a sub-niche movement of people who believe – not pretend, but actually believe – they are partially, or entirely, non-human. Some think that they have been reincarnated with the soul of an animal, dragon, fairy, plant, alien, cartoon, demon, angel, elf, vampire, etc. Some believe they actually are partially these things biologically.
Our cherry parfait roses are coming in more pink and white, with a hint of cream, rather than a stark red with blinding white. It could be the particular genetic makeup of this individual cherry parfait rose bush, or it could be temperature and sunlight dependent as some roses will bloom differently depending upon the…
One of the few, big lessons I constantly hammer home is that money should work for you. It is a tool. You should not sell too much of your life for it in the form of time. You should not trade your integrity for it. In a prosperous society, money proper doesn’t even really exist;…
Winter white honey – remember that phrase and start buying it now because it is among the most delicious and amazing honey varieties in the entire world. The name winter white honey comes from the color of the honey, which is derived from the wildflowers in the Rocky Mountains of Idaho that the honey bees use to create this nectar. It’s white and creamy, not yellow or amber. The flavor is unreal. None of us have ever had anything like it. We opened a bottle and soon everyone was laughing and dipping spoons in eating it like candy.