Joshua Kennon is a Managing Director of Kennon-Green & Co., a private asset management firm specializing in global value investing for affluent and high net worth individuals, families, and institutions. Nothing in this article or on this site, which is Mr. Kennon's personal blog, is intended to be, nor should it be construed as, investment advice, a recommendation, or an offer to buy or sell a security or securities. Investing can result in losses, sometimes significant losses. Prior to taking any action involving your finances or portfolio, you should consult with your own qualified professional advisor(s), such as an investment advisor, tax specialist, and/or attorney, who can help you consider your unique needs, circumstances, risk tolerance, and other relevant factors.

Joshua Kennon Christmas 2013

Christmas In January

We spent Christmas Eve this year with my in-laws, and Christmas morning over at my parent’s house having breakfast.  Unfortunately, with my sister and her family living a couple hundred miles away now, they weren’t able to be there.  (My mom and dad, not being able to stand not to see their grandkids, got in…

Loren and Saren Amazon Princess

Loren the Amazon Princess, Pot Roast, and Snow Days

With the holidays concluded, too many Thanksgiving, Christmas, and reunion dinners to count, endless nights with family and friends, and the bulk of the busy season behind us in the businesses, we spent today in our pajamas as the snow fell outside, cooking a pot roast and working on some projects we wanted to finish.  (Technically, we still have one Christmas celebration left, which was postponed until later this week.)

My Speech Dialect

What’s Your Speech Dialect?

There is a new interactive quiz at The New York Times that lets you see how your speech choices match up with various geographic regions in the nation.  It’s fairly quick and can provide some interesting results.  Here’s a look at mine. I’m most verbally at home in Missouri, Tennessee, and Kentucky, though, interestingly, I have a…